book review

Book Review - The DevOps Handbook

(Note that all references refer to the Kindle version) What it isn’t: Devops isn’t continuous deployment or monitoring or an automated development environment. What it is: Devops is empowerment of a team of individuals through greater communication. That’s the premise behind The DevOps Handbook by the authors of The Phoenix Project and Continuous Delivery. We learn to optimize for productivity in the long-term and use that lens to build software. This encourages incorporating feedback into the entire software – and developer – stack.

I Am Become Genius

As follow-up to my previous post, I would like to share an article that’s made the rounds on the internet recently. “How to get to Genius,” an excellent synthesis of key ideas for success, correlates with themes from Pragmatic Thinking and Learning. The working definition for “genius” is “the extreme form of insight…in terms of perspective,” or similarly, the intuition an expert has gained from many years of deliberate study (Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule).

Book Review - Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware

The Pragmatic Programmers have consistently put out good material for years, and whether their own or other authors’, the quality is almost always high. I just finished Pragmatic Thinking and Learning and, reading numerous other reviews, they are all very positive. The community liked it, and that’s usually a good sign (we’ll see what happens when not everyone is happy). Important relationships The first major concept introduced, and repeatedly referenced, is that the relationships between objects are more interesting than the objects themselves.